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Product Summary of Infinites & Bases Handheld XRF

These reference materials (RM’s) consist of single element, alloy or compound materials. They are not certified for composition and produced with physical thicknesses that exceed “infinite” or “saturation thickness for XRF. These are used primarily to serve as ”infinite” thickness references to normalize empirical calibrations, or to derive fundamental parameter sensitivity coefficients or to acquire spectrum profiles for use in spectral deconvolution software. When used as base materials for calibration, these standards assume an implied coating thickness value of zero as they have no coating layer. These are mounted onto anodized aluminum plates with cross hairs to facilitate positioning and calibration of hand held XRF instruments.

Infinite (∞) Element Standards

Part No.



HHAG999 Ag (Silver) Made-to-order
HHAL999 Al (Aluminum) In Stock!
HHAU999 Au (Gold) Made-to-order
HHBI999 Bi (Bismuth) Made-to-order
HHCD999 Cd (Cadmium) In Stock!
HHCO999 Co (Cobalt) Made-to-order
HHCR999 Cr (Chromium) In Stock!
HHCU999 Cu (Copper) In Stock!
HHFE999 Fe (Iron or carbon steel) In Stock!
HHIN999 In (Indium) Made-to-order
HHIR999 Ir (Iridium) Made-to-order
HHMG999 Mg (Magnesium) Made-to-order
HHMN999 Mn (Manganese) Made-to-order
HHMO999 Mo (Molybdenum) In Stock!
HHNB999 Nb (Niobium) Made-to-order
HHNI999 Ni (Nickel) Made-to-order
HHPB999 Pb (Lead) In Stock!
HHPD999 Pd (Palladium) Made-to-order
HHPT999 Pt (Platinum) Made-to-order
HHRH999 Rh (Rhodium) Made-to-order
HHSB999 Sb ( Antimony) Made-to-order
HHSI999 Si (Silicon) Made-to-order
HHSN999 Sn (Tin) In Stock!
HHTA999 Ta (Tantalum) Made-to-order
HHTI999 Ti (Titanium) In Stock!
HHV999 V (Vanadium) Made-to-order
HHW999 W (Tungsten) Made-to-order
HHZN999 Zn (Zinc) In Stock!
HHZR999 Zr (Zirconium) Made-to-order

Infinite (∞) Compound Standards

Part No.



HHALOX999 Al2O3 (aluminum Oxide) Made-to-order
HHCUFR4999-0.5 Cu/Epoxy – ½ oz In Stock!
HHCUFR4999-1.0 Cu/Epoxy – 1 oz In Stock!
HHFR4999 FR-4 (Epoxy) In Stock!
HHNIP999-94 Ni-P (Electroless Nickel -4% * Made-to-order
HHNIP999-92 Ni-P (Electroless Nickel -8% * Made-to-order
HHNIP999-88 Ni-P (Electroless Nickel -12% * Made-to-order

Copper Alloy Bases

Part No.



HHC7025999 C7025 (Corson Copper) Made-to-order
HHCA194999 CA194 (Cu-Fe2) Made-to-order
HHCA230999 CA230 (Red Brass) In Stock!
HHCDA260999 CDA260 (Brass, Cu-Zn) In Stock!
HHCDA353999 CDA353 (Leaded Brass) Made-to-order
HHCDA510999 CDA510 (Phosphor Bronze, Cu-Sn-P) In Stock!
HHCDA521999 CDA521 (Phosphor Bronze, Cu-Sn-P) In Stock!

Iron Alloy Bases

Part No.



HHALLOY42999 Alloy 42 In Stock!
HHALLOY52999 Alloy 52 In Stock!
HHINVAR999 Invar Made-to-order
HHKOVAR999 Kovar In Stock!
HHSS301999 301 SS (301Stainless Steel) Made-to-order
HHSS304999 304 SS (304Stainless Steel) In Stock!
HHSS316999 316 SS (316 Stainless Steel) In Stock!
HHSS430999 430 SS (430 Stainless Steel) Made-to-order

Nickel Alloy Bases

Part No.



HHINCONEL999 Inconel 625 Made-to-order
HHMONEL999 Monel Made-to-order

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